I've had a tiny bit of time to work on the web site. I've updated the "Food Finder" section and started with Albertsons and Trader Joe's. The links to those stores will have pictures of food I've found in those stores that fits with the diet. I will try to add to these pages as I find more and more products that work. Also, I will expand to the other stores listed on the main "Food Finder" page as I have more time.
Additionally, I like to keep up the "Evidence" page. Most of the updates happen on the right-hand side and highlight articles and blogs that talk about the benefits of a plant-based diet. It's very interesting to watch as more and more people and organizations are advocating for a plant-based diet. It's so simple and yet because of our rich, fatty American diet we just refuse to quit eating meat, dairy and oil....the very things making us so sick. Why do people prefer a "quick fix" pill rather than changing their diet? A pill is convenient but then you still feel crummy, you still have to watch your weight, you increase your risk for heart disease, cancer, macular degeneration, arthritis, diabetes and the list goes on. It sounds dramatic to change to a plant-based diet but ask the people who have made the change.....it really isn't that hard! Oh....did I mention that I get to eat all the time and I'm down 50 lbs!!!!! Yep, started at 220 lbs. (considered overweight based on BMI set by the medical communty) and now weigh in at about 170 lbs. (normal by BMI standards) wooo-hoooo!!
So we had a little technical glitch and I lost all my previous posts on this blog. I worked with Weebly and we couldn't get it all back. Sooooo, this is a fresh start, with new ideas and an opportunity to re-design my site a bit. Let me tell you about some of the new sections you see because I'm very excited about them.
The Diet - just a short explanation of the general guidelines used for following a plant based diet. Recipes - recipes that follow the rules of a plant based diet with no oil. Success Stories - This is little updates from friends and family sharing their success on this diet, hopefully this will also be an encouragement to others thinking of taking control of their health. Resources - This is books, videos, etc. that can help you as you journey to a plant based diet. Evidence - This is a list of news articles, medical publications, videos and anything else that explains why changing to a plant based diet is so beneficial. Food Finder - This section is to help you identify current products in stores that fit into our plant based diet. There will be a list of stores and then the products that can be found (generally ) at those stores. If you would like to contribute in any of the areas I mention above, please send me an email at [email protected] and I'll try to incorporate your contribution to the site! |
About the Author
Hello, my name is Todd Coston. This site is a dedicated to my journey on a plant based diet. I'm passionate about the benefits of this diet and share my thoughts, resources and recipes through this site. I would love to hear from you, so drop me a line at [email protected]. Other Plant Based Blogs/Sites:
Happy Healthy Long Life Healthy Girl's Kitchen Choosing Raw Happy Herbivore Engine2 Diet Other: Rocky Road Run Volkslauf 2012 Categories
November 2013