One of the easiest ways to mess up any diet is to snack on the wrong things. Maybe you've done a great job of planning your meals but all of a sudden, between meals you get hungry. It's still two hours until your next "planned" meal but you are starving. So you start thinking about the Snickers bar in the snack machine. Or maybe it's the donuts sitting in the break room. All of these sound good but are a nightmare for a diet. So how do I deal with this problem? Have good snacks available!!
When making my lunch for work, I always include extra food for snacks. In a minute I will share some of my favorite snack ideas but first, there are going to be times when I forget to bring a snack with my lunch. Because I know these times will happen, I have "backup" snacks in my desk or cabinet at work. These snacks need to be things easily stored for long periods of time. Basic snacks with a decent shelf life:
I'm sure you can think of many other snacks that would work but these are some of my favorites. I hope this helps and feel free to share your favorites in the Comments section for this post.
About the Author
Hello, my name is Todd Coston. This site is a dedicated to my journey on a plant based diet. I'm passionate about the benefits of this diet and share my thoughts, resources and recipes through this site. I would love to hear from you, so drop me a line at [email protected]. Other Plant Based Blogs/Sites:
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November 2013